Founded in 1479, the University of Copenhagen is Denmark's oldest university, as well as one of the oldest in Northern Europe. Its location in the capital city makes the University's development, key people and events part of the history of Denmark. Read more about the history of the University of Copenhagen
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Important dates in the history of the University
Pope Martin V grants Erik of Pomerania permission to set up a Danish university, albeit without a Faculty of Theology. For various reasons, the plans do not come to realisation.
King Christian I requests a new permission from Pope Sixtus IV to establish a university in Denmark. In connection with a journey to Rome by Queen Dorothea, the permission is granted on 19 June 1475.
After thorough preparations, the University of Copenhagen is inaugurated at a ceremony in the Church of Our Lady, 1 June 1479. The University opens with the traditional medieval faculties of theology, law, medicine and philosophy.
The University Library is founded when the Vice-Chancellor, Peter Albertsen, donates a considerable number of books, the first of several subsequent donations.
The University ceases to function in the turbulent years before the Reformation and during the civil war known as "the Count's Feud".
With the Reformation in 1536, the Lutheran Evangelical Church is established as the national church of Denmark and Norway with the recess of 30 October 1536. The University of Copenhagen is accorded responsibility for training the Danish and Norwegian clergy.
The University resumes its activities. It takes over the sizeable former residence of the Bishop of Roskilde, which stands opposite the church.
The extremely comprehensive University Charter of 10 June 1539 sets the frameworks that will form the basis for the activities of the University for the next 200 years. Fifteen permanent chairs are established, all in traditional medieval subjects. At the same time, a major estate and other sources of revenue are conferred upon the University.
The Rector, deans and tenured lecturers are constituted as the Senate. This body retains ultimate responsibility for management of the University for the next 400 years.
Frederik II founds Kommunitetet, a major scholarship foundation, on 25 June 1569. The foundation serves two meals a day at the University - initially to 100 students, later 120. Four scholarships are also set up for trips abroad, which would have major significance for the future education of the University's professors.
Frederik II bestows a new estate upon the University, 11 September 1571.
Christian IV sets up the Collegium Regium, colloquially known as Regensen, which provides housing for the 120 students who receive the Kommunitet scholarship.
Ole Worm founds his Museum Wormianum, a collection of natural history, archaeological and ethnographic objects, which became Denmark's first systematically assembled museum collection for academic study purposes.
In an addendum to the University Charter, Christian IV introduces several important reforms and establishes new chairs, 18 May 1621.
Christian IV expands the University's estates and creates two new professorships.
A new professor in history and geography constitutes the first enduring addition to the University's academic range since the Middle Ages.
The University's new observatory opens in the Round Tower.
Thomas Bartholin publishes his discovery of the lymphatic system.
The University Library is relocated to the room above the new Trinity Church behind the Round Tower.
On the anniversary of the founding of the University (1 June), Trinity Church is inaugurated as the University church.
Frederik III founds the Royal Library.
In his two theses, Niels Stensen establishes the modern science of geology.
Ole Rømer presents his discovery of the speed of light to the Académie Royale in Paris, 21 November 1676.
The University's first actual Master's degree in Theology is introduced in August 1707.
The catastrophic fire of 20-23 October 1728, which demolished more than 60% of Copenhagen to the ground, has a devastating impact on the University. The damage inflicted on the Library is particularly disastrous, with many Danish medieval history sources going up in smoke.
The new Charter implements a number of necessary reforms, 31 March 1732.
A proper Master's degree in Law and a more modest degree in Danish for lower-level legal officials are introduced in February 1736. For the first time, Danish law becomes a university subject.
On the initiative of Professor Hans Gram (History), the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters is founded on 13 November 1742.
The new and extremely comprehensive University Charter of 7 May 1788 forms the basis for the University's activities for the next 200 years. The main emphasis is on the University's role as an educational institution. One tangible outcome is the new Master's degree in each faculty (Master of Theology, Law, Medicine, etc.).
The British Bombardment of 2-5 September 1807 reduces more than half of the University's buildings to rubble.
City architect Peter Malling is entrusted with the task of designing a new University building to replace the one that burned down in 1807. After lengthy negotiations between the government and the University, building work commences in 1829. This marks the start of a building programme that would provide the University of Copenhagen with modern buildings throughout the 19th century. The programme has continued ever since, with increasing intensity.
Professor Hans Christian Ørsted (Physics) publishes his discovery of electromagnetism.
The Polytechnic College is set up by H.C. Ørsted, who serves as its first director.
The University's new main building is inaugurated on 13 October.
The Academy of Surgeons and the Faculty of Medicine merge to form the Faculty of Medical Science.
With the introduction of a degree in political science (economics), the Faculty of Law becomes the Faculty of Law and Political Science.
The sciences are separated from the Faculty of Philosophy to form an independent faculty for mathematics and science.
Architect Johan Daniel Herholdt’s groundbreaking building in Fiolstræde is taken into service by the Library. After two years of work, architect Christian Hansen completes a new observatory on the former city ramparts.
Christian Hansen completes the construction of the University's new zoological museum on Krystalgade.
The University's new Botanic Gardens are planted on the old ramparts.
Nielsine Nielsen (1850-1916) applies to the Ministry of Education and Church Affairs for a dispensation to take a qualifying exam in order to study medicine at the University. The application is sent for consultation at the University.
On 25 June, a royal decree is issued granting women access to university education.
As the first female students, Nielsine Nielsen and Johanne Marie Gleerup (1850-1914) are enrolled at the University on the medical programme.
Nielsine Nielsen becomes Denmark’s first female academic and doctor – followed by Johanne Marie Gleerup in the year after.
The University's Geological Museum opens on the corner of Øster Voldgade and Sølvgade.
Titular Professor in Medicine Niels Finsen is awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine.
Professor of Physiology August Krogh is awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology, and starts Danish production of insulin.
Niels Bohr, Professor of Theoretical Physics, is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.
Professor of Pathological Anatomy Johannes Fibiger is awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine.
During the German occupation of Denmark, the University manages to hold most of its classes and conduct research. Several teachers and students play an active role in the resistance.
George de Hevesy of the Niels Bohr Institute receives the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
After steady growth, the number of students rise to approx. 6,000, a figure that quadruples over the next decade.
Students demonstrate against poor study conditions at the University, and against what they see as old-fashioned and undemocratic governance. The government initiates a reform process, which in 1970, for the first time, leads to an Act governing the universities in Copenhagen, Aarhus and Odense. One outcome is unprecedented, decentralised and democratic autonomy, which enables non-professorial lecturers and students to influence the way their institutions are run.
The University Act is amended, e.g. to provide non-academic staff with a voice at management level. The Act is also extended to cover all Danish universities. The Faculty of Legal and Political Science is renamed the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Faculty of Philosophy becomes the Faculty of Humanities. The Faculty of Mathematics and Science becomes the Faculty of Science.
Professors Aage Bohr and Ben Mottelson are awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.
Numerus clausus, which was introduced for medicine in 1976, is extended to all higher education.
A new amendment to the University Act strengthens the executive management and restricts staff and student influence. The Copenhagen School of Dentistry and the Faculty of Medicine are incorporated into the Faculty of Health Sciences.
The subject Law leaves the Faculty of Social Sciences, and the Faculty of Law is established.
Denmark's College of Physical Education becomes part of the Faculty of Science, as the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences.
A new University Act represents a significant break with the previous form of governance. The elected Senate is abolished and replaced by a board with a majority of external members and only modest representation for staff and students. Elected figures are replaced by appointees at all levels.
The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University and the Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences are incorporated into the University of Copenhagen as the Faculty of Life Sciences and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, respectively.
Four of the University's eight faculties (Faculty of Science, Faculty of Life Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences and faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences) merge into two large faculties: The new faculty of Science and the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences.
The third and last building project at South Campus is taken into use by the Faculties of Law and Theology, which both vacate their historical locations in the city centre.
Professor of Chemistry Morten Meldal is awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. On 10 December he is presented with his medal and diploma by King XVI Gustav at the Nobel Prize ceremony in Stockholm.