
36,528 students
21,034 bachelor's degree students
15,494 master's degree students
44 part time master's degree students
  • 18,916 applicants submitted altogether 34,467 applications for the undergraduate programmes at the University in July 2024

  • 7,215 applicants were on 26 July 2024 offered a place on one of the University's undergraduate programmes

  • 36,528 students are enrolled at the University

  • 5,337 graduated in 2023

Students 2023

The table shows the number of students enrolled at the University and how many have graduated. The table also shows students’ median age.

1.1 Intake of bachelor's degree students 6,544
1.2 Median age of new bachelor's degree students 21.8
1.3 Intake of master's degree students 6,085
1.4 Intake of part time master's degree students 17
1.5 Median age of new master's degree students 24.8
1.6 Median age of new part time master's degree students 33.3
2.1 Total number of students 36,528
2.2 Total number of bachelor's degree students 21,034
2.3.A Total number of master's degree students 15,494
2.3.B Total number of part time master's degree students 44
2.4 Other 0
3.1 Drop-out percentage at 1. year, bachelor's degree students 10.9 %
3.2 Drop-out percentage at 1. year, master's degree students 3.2 %
3.3 Drop-out percentage at 1. year, part time master's degree students 9.1 %
4.1 FTE's 27,211
4.2. Number of subsidy releasing students 36,442
5.1 Total number of bachelor's degrees 4,832
5.2 Total number of master's degrees 5,337
5.2.1 Total number of part time master's degrees 1
5.3 Median age of students (Bachelor)* 24.6
5.4 Median age of students (Master)** 27.0
5.5 Median age of students (Part time Master)** 29.9
6.1 Number of FTE's 560
6.2 Number of completed part-time education 97

* Median age of the student when graduating (bachelor's degree). 
** Median age of the student when graduating (master's degree).

Completion, drop-out and time to degree 2023

The table shows the percentage of students who have completed their programmes within the prescribed time, and how many have dropped out without completing their programme.

1.1 % completed in prescribed time 38 %
1.2 % completed in prescribed time + 1 year 65 %
1.3 % still active 7 %
1.4 % discontinued 28 %
2.1 % completed in prescribed time 44 %
2.2 % completed in prescribed time + 1 year 84 %
2.3 % still active 8 %
2.4 % discontinued 7 %
3.1 % completed in prescribed time 100 %
3.2 % completed in prescribed time + 1 year 100 %
3.3 % still active 0 %
3.4 % discontinued 100 %

Internationalisation 2023

The table shows how many foreign students have studied at the University of Copenhagen, and how many of the University's own students have studied abroad.

1.1 Number of outgoing students 1,982
A. Number of internationalisation-subsidy releasing students 1,851
B. Number of administration-subsidy releasing students 37
2.1 Number of incoming students 2,123
A Number of internationalisation-subsidy releasing students 1,807
3.1 Number of foreign students at full degrees in Denmark 3,970
3.1.A Number of students from other Nordic countries 794
3.1.B Number of students from inside the EU/EEA 1,671
3.1.C Number of students from outside the EU/EØS (non-fee paying) 1,493
3.1.C.1 Students with a free place and/or scholarship 90
3.1.C.2 Fee-paying students 776
3.1.C.3 Other 633
3.2 Number of foreign students on master or diploma programmes in Denmark 381
3.2.A Number of students from other Nordic countries 124

3.2.B Number of students outside the Nordics but inside the EU/EEA

3.2.C Number of students outside the EU/EEA 114

Annual statements for the individual programmes

You can find more detailed information in the statements for study activity for each programme, which cover intake, student population, output, completion and grades.

See overview for the individual programmes



* FTE = Student full-time equivalents, i.e. students who have passed all the exams of the year.