Admission & Communication

Admission & Communication is a section in Education & Students.

We provide information about the University's degree programmes, advise prospective students and process applications for admission to the Bachelor's degree programmes.

Our three teams of student counsellors, case workers and communications staff
work together to make sure that prospective students can find information about programmes and admission to UCPH. A focal point is that applicants experience a smooth transition in their journey from applicant to admitted to UCPH.

Admission & Communication supports Education & Students with communication and web tasks. We also deliver internal communication to students and teaching staff as well as bridge-building initiatives to upper-secondary schools.

Main tasks

  • Bridge-building to upper-secondary schools and recruitment to the University's degree programmes
  • Student counselling about choice of education and admission to the University’s Bachelor’s degree programme
  • Processing applications for admission to the University’s Bachelor’s degree programmes
  • Communication from Education & Students to the University's students, lecturers and study administrations.

Relevant links

Website for prospective students:
Offers from UCPH for elementary school and upper-secondary school students: (in Danish only)
Research competition for upper-secondary-school students:


Name Title Job responsibilities Phone E-mail
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Ane Storgaard Carlsen Sørhagen Communications Officer +4535325129 E-mail
Anna Amalie Gyiko Student E-mail
Annabelle Vilholm Roche Student E-mail
Christian Angelo A Christensen Student E-mail
Christina Leth Administrative Officer +4535326779 E-mail
Connie Wejlgaard Damkjær Academic Officer +4535332770 E-mail
Dennis H. Vendeltorp Senior Consultant +4535322876 E-mail
Flemming Caspersen Webmaster +4535328142 E-mail
Henriette Bisgaard Dittmer Academic Officer +4535335004 E-mail
Ingeborg Buch Jensen Student +4535331420 E-mail
Jacob Kratz Academic Officer +4522820337 E-mail
Joan Damkjær Academic Officer +4535324367 E-mail
Josefine Katrine Juul Jørgensen Student +4535332105 E-mail
Josefine Lyhne Lauridsen Academic Officer +4535328636 E-mail
Julie Knudtzen Student E-mail
Karen Sørensen Academic Officer +4535322947 E-mail
Kasper Toxværd Academic Officer +4535336030 E-mail
Lena Kjeldgaard Mason Student +4535333543 E-mail
Lene Kvist Special Consultant +4535323922 E-mail
Lisbeth Ellegaard Randeris Special Consultant +4535337858 E-mail
Louise Lau Pedersen Senior Consultant +4535328397 E-mail
Magnus Vadgaard Berndt Academic Officer +4535334378 E-mail
Marianne Wilcken Bjerregaard Special Consultant +4535332370 E-mail
Marlene Magelund Sønderaas Senior Consultant with personnel management +4535322115 E-mail
Mathilde Johannesen Academic Officer +4535327646 E-mail
Mia Bredsdorff Student E-mail
Mikkel Glahder Student E-mail
Morten Nielsen Academic Officer +4535320256 E-mail
Nicolai Hauge Adamsen Student E-mail
Oline Thygesen Student +4535322269 E-mail
Pernille Kindtler Senior Consultant with personnel management +4535322893 E-mail
Peter Mertz Academic Officer +4535333651 E-mail
Rikke Petersen Special Consultant +4535323763 E-mail
Rikke Bøyesen Special Consultant +4528750413 E-mail
Signe Hanefeld-Møller Hutters Student E-mail
Sofia Isabella von Hausen Sadolin Student E-mail
Tania Jacobsen Academic Officer E-mail
Ulrik V. Moser Academic Officer +4535335859 E-mail
Ursula Dortea Bendtzon Senior Consultant +4535336250 E-mail